March 15, 2011

Trust Yourself ...

One of our recent sessions was all about Trusting in yourself and surrounding yourself with like minded people who support, encourage and respect you.  

Trusting yourself can be the hardest step sometimes, as we allow fear to side track us from our purpose and sometimes we even talk ourselves out of our dreams. 

Follow your instinct and believe in you!

This is a great article that was shared by John Assaraf.


"We've all had challenging situations that leave us feeling tired or discouraged. Here is something neat to ponder during those times. Take a look at this report and reflect on this man's record of failure. It is a testament to how humans can learn, grow, and win despite the losses and defeats. 

Failed in business--------------1831 
Defeated for legislature---------1832 
Failed in business again---------1833 
Elected to legislature-----------1834 
Sweetheart died---------------1835 
Nervous breakdown-------------1836 
Defeated for speaker-----------1838 
Defeated for land officer---------1843 
Defeated for congress-----------1843 
Elected to congress-------------1846 
Defeated for re-election---------1848 
Defeated for senate-------------1855 
Defeated for vice president-------1856 
Defeated for senate-------------1858 
Elected President---------------1860 

Who was this person? Abraham Lincoln. 

He picked himself up no matter what and kept on going after his dream. He educated himself and did whatever it took to keep moving in the direction of his passions. 

If you reflect back on your life, you can find patterns of the times you grew the most. Many of those times were probably a result of some kind of previous 'failure,' maybe even a series of them. Each failure is a learning experience. 

With this in mind, choose the one thing that may not be going exactly as you wish right now and do one thing to move you closer to achieving the result you want. And remember, life is about learning and growing."

Source:  John Assaraf

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